Living Will
A living will is a document that specifies what life-prolonging treatment you do or do not want if you are dying from a terminal condition, end-stage condition, or are in a persistent vegetative state.
A terminal condition is one caused by death, injury, or illness, where there is no reasonable probability of recovery, and that will cause death without continued treatment.
An end-stage condition is an irreversible condition caused by injury, illness, or disease that has gotten progressively worse to the point that treatment is no longer effective.
A persistent vegetative state is a permanent, irreversible condition where you are unconscious, do not have any brain function, and cannot communicate or interact with the world around you.
Your treating physician and another physician have to agree on your condition and the likelihood of your recovery before they will look to your living will and end-of-life wishes.
With this document, you can also specify whether you want artificially administered food and water, respiration, and resuscitation, and you designate who you would like to serve as the person to make sure your end-of-life health care wishes are respected.
Schedule a Free Consultation
Michael Merhar is a Gainesville living wills attorney helping people throughout North Central Florida create comprehensive plans that ensure compassionate care and minimize headaches. Schedule a free consultation to get help from a Florida advance directives attorney drafting a living will that fits your needs.